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Lionel Nazarian Is Known For Real Properties and Buyers

Lionel Nazarian has established himself as one of the most reputable real estate developers, offering precise and dependable property appraisals as well as top strategic advising services. He assists his clients in maximizing the value of their investment and transforming their company's growth. Lionel brings a wealth of experience in investment research, leasing, building, management, and development to the table.By partnering with Manhattan's most prestigious landlords, he is gaining a competitive advantage. His credentials include a bachelor's degree in business administration in real estate finance from Baruch College and a master's degree in the same field.

He has a lot of experience in property management and investment analysis, which has helped him develop a timeless and trustworthy company environment.

Please contact Lionel Nazarian if you have any questions about real estate development. He'll respond to you as soon as he can!

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